Tuesday, December 25, 2012

I decided to post some pictures of my parent's home to show the little touches my mom adds to make their home into a winter wonderland. You can find so much beauty in the tiniest of details when you just look. Like in all aspects of life, it's important to enjoy and appreciate the little things. 

Merry Christmas everyone!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Camp Korey will be the receiving 10% of all sales for the next 4 months. Camp Korey is located in Carnation, Washington and is a camp for children with serious and life-threatening illnesses. If you are not familiar with this amazing organization I suggest you take a peak at their website here. I have had the privilege of volunteering for two different weeks and as clichĂ© as this may sound it is truly a life changing experience. The kids you are with for the short amount of time are incredible and inspiring. As I write this it gives me chills just thinking back! I will be posting a video and hopefully a few more pictures soon so please check back.  

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Welcome to lindsay p designs blog!  My hopes are that this blog not only follows the journey through lindsay p designs, but also shows the inspiration behind it all.  From my wonderful husband and family, to pictures of old vintage doors and windows, there has been so much already that has given me motivation to pursue this dream. I hope that you enjoy looking at my blog. And if you purchase an apron, I hope it will make you feel beautiful while cooking and preparing for family or friends.

My sweet husband took this picture while my hands were covered in raw turkey and there is not one, but two turkeys trying to defrost in the sink just a couple hours before our “friends thanksgiving”. I had both my mom and dad on speaker helping me through this turkey cooking process…but nonetheless, I felt quite dashing in my apron J