Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Christmas Decorating Inspiration
Christmas is just 15 days away!
{which is so hard to believe!}
Houses are decorated, lights are up, and you can feel the Christmas 
happiness and spirit in the air.
It's hard not to be in a good mood during this time of year!
If you are looking for Christmas decorating inspiration 
take a peek at the 2014 Holiday House Walk.
30 beautiful homes all decorated with so many great ideas!
Here are just a few of my favorite images...
Hope you all have a great week!

Monday, December 8, 2014

Happy Monday!
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
Our time was mostly spent trying to stay busy!
The anticipation and not knowing of when we are having this little guy is so hard.
I am a planner.
And to have something so huge and so life changing completely out of my control 
has been challenging to say the least.
I am really learning how to be patient and to trust that God's timing will be perfect...
because it always is.
I have this sign at the top of our stairs.
Isn't it beautiful?! 
My sister made it for me a couple years a go for Christmas and I just love it.
When we first moved in I searched and searched for the perfect place to hang it in our home
 and finally decided on this location.
Right at the top of the stairs.
And lately it has been the perfect reminder.
"Let all that you do be done in love."
As I go up and down the stairs and see that staring me in the face,
I have actually started to question how often I live that out.
And really how can I live that out better.
Taking the ordinary, day to day tasks and giving a purpose and meaning to them.
So during this advent season, I am challenging myself to do more "in love."
Not just the giving of christmas gifts or helping others out, but those day to day mundane tasks...that often get overlooked as purposeless. 
Have a great week!

Monday, December 1, 2014

The Waiting Game
happy December,
happy advent,
happy "it's officially christmas season!"
Where you are now officially allowed to blare christmas music without hiding it and add peppermint to  just about anything and everything. 
It is such a fun time of year.
We've entered the season of advent which brings so much anticipation.
The weeks leading up to the birth of Jesus 
The countdown begins and we wait.
It's an amazing time to reflect on the meaning of Christmas. 
This year is so different in that i've been anticipating this time of year for the past 9 months!
And it has felt like it has been so far off in the distance for so long. 
And here we are, entering December where this little wiggly baby could arrive any day.
So as the days draw nearer and the anticipation and excitement stronger
I want to enjoy this season for everything that it is right now-today.
Preparing for the birth of our baby boy and enjoying the time we have with just the two of us.
and preparing for Jesus' birthday-Christmas Day
  Today is the last day to receive 20% and free shipping on all orders!
If you are looking for a special Christmas gift or unique cards, visit my website!
I am so excited to be apart of Maggie Whitley Designs holiday giveaway!
Two amazing bundles of gifts valuing over $830 and including this Lindsay P Designs apron!
Have a great week!

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Thanksgiving is tomorrow!
Some of you may be racing around getting ready for guests
or cooking up a storm 
I'll be honest Thanksgiving has slipped my mind a lot this season!
I've been so focused on getting Christmas gifts ready and decorations out in preparation for the little one. 
But there is so much to be thankful for and this day is the perfect opportunity to stop and reflect on all that there is. 
For family, friends, opportunities, or whatever it may be. 
Through good times and bad, we all have things that we can be thankful for.
Black Friday, Shop Small Saturday and Cyber Monday...the craziest shopping time of all!
I will be sharing our special code Friday on my blog and Instagram for you to receive a discount Friday morning through Monday night!
So if you are looking for the perfect hostess gift or a unique pack of cards, check it out. 
Wherever you are or whatever you are doing, I hope you all have a great one!

Friday, November 21, 2014

Recovering Chairs
It's amazing how something so simple can change the look and feel of a room.
We were fortunate to be able to buy the dining room table, chairs and buffet from the previous owners.
It's a beautiful set but I wasn't in love with the chair cushions.
{I really wish I had a better before picture...but this was the previous fabric...}
I was wanting something that was more new, fresh, and light.
All it took was some strength to get the old fabric off and pull those staples out (by far the hardest part...but it really wasn't all that bad)...
Picking a new pretty fabric...
And going to town with the staple gone to put the new fabric on!
It's a light grayish upholstery linen from Calico Corners that-believe it or not-is pretty darn spill resistant.
They actually tested this fabric with pen, bbq sauce and all sorts of other things and it was all able to come out just fine!
I am so pleased with how they turned out. 
I truly believe that if you don't like the way something looks, change it.
With new paint or new fabric it is so easy to transform the same piece into something beautiful and something you love.
Happy Friday!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Baby Boy Nursery
It's hard to believe in less than a month (hopefully!) our little guy will be here!
Our bags are almost all packed and the nursery is pretty set to go.
It's been so fun picking little pieces out and seeing his room come together.
And of course all the sweet additions from friends and family.  
I sometimes just go sit in there and think about how soon it will be that A LOT of my time will be spent in the rocking chair and in that room.
I think Brandi knows something is up...though I'm no dog whisperer so who knows!
I thought I would share some photos of the nursery all set up! 
I wanted to go with blues, grays and natural elements.
I love this Property Boundary sign.
 My dad "found" it while hunting and wrote on the back of it for his future grandson. 
Our prayer we would say every night before going to bed.
Brian built it 5 or 6 years ago...
so I painted it gray and am so happy with how functional it is!
I'm in love with our rocking chair and the beautiful quilt Brian's mom made. 
So so cozy and soft!
Now all we need is a baby in this room to make it complete :)
I hope you all are having a wonderful week!

Friday, October 24, 2014

Give Thanks
It's easy to get caught up in to-do lists and the busyness of this time of year.
I find myself thinking constantly of the million things I want to get done and the deadlines I have set for myself...
Family visits, baby arrives, and Christmas.
I have my house to-do list, nursery to-do list and baby to-do list.
We have entered the season of thanksgiving...
(though every season we should be giving thanks!)
I want to focus on the good, the positive, and turn anxiousness and fear into 
excitement and have faith.
The never ending kicks and rolls of this little guy and the exciting times that are to be had. 
I know these moments won't last forever and I want to savor them. 
It's far too easy to get buried under the lists and before you know it time will have passed. 
Be present and be grateful. 
Give thanks for each second, minute and hour in your day!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Baby Shower!
I hope you all are having a wonderful week!
We returned bright and early Monday morning from spending the weekend in California. 
Visiting with family and celebrating our little guy!
The weather was beautiful and it was so much fun catching up and spending quality time with everyone.
It was such a special time with family and friends and I continue to feel blessed by all of the excitement and support as we prepare for the arrival of our baby!
It's amazing how fast the time has gone!!!
{how cute is the baby pumpkin!?}
Have a great week!

Friday, October 17, 2014

Happy Friday!
I hope you all have had a wonderful week!
The holidays and Christmas are already on my mind.
I said it last year, and the year before that...
and I'm saying it one more time!!
I WILL be organized this year and get my shopping done early!!!
Partly because I really do enjoy it and partly because I have a feeling with a newborn at the beginning of December...there won't be much time for shopping or making gifts. 
So with the holidays on my mind, I wanted to share two new cards!
All new card designs are on the website. 
So click the link at the top of the page to go shopping at get some Christmas cards early!
Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

It's October which means it is that time of year to choose another non-profit organization!
It's been great looking back over the list of non-profits we have been able to donate to through Lindsay P Designs.
Sometimes a little, sometimes a lot, I think any amount of giving can make a difference.
With the support of you wonderful customers, we have been able to donate to the following organizations so far...
and now through the end of December...
I am sure many of us have seen these collection boxes in local businesses 
throughout your town. 
Through this non-profit organization, toys are collected at various locations from 
October through December. 
The toys are then sorted by age and gender and on Christmas (or around that time), these toys are given to needy children throughout the community. 
10% of the profit from every sale will be donated to this organization.
The monetary donation will go towards their mission of providing toys to the less fortunate. 
Amongst the chaos of this time of year, take the time to give!
Have a wonderful week!!

Monday, October 6, 2014

Finally Back!
It's been over a month since my last post and I am so happy to get back!
A lot has happened since then...
we have said goodbye to our first home and town...
And have said hello to our new home!
We are finally getting settled but still strive to get our "routine" back.
I think this is good practice for when our sweet little boy arrives in about two months and our lives are rocked again!
It is all part of change and this new adventure of ours and we are so thankful for it.
I've been trying to make our new house feel like home (without breaking the bank!) and slowly but surely it is. It's a work in progress and one that is oh so fun!
Last weekend I was blessed to have been given a beautiful shower by sisters who completely outdid themselves. 
So many special touches I can't help but share!
 This little guy (who is growing and growing and kicking like crazy!!!) is already SO loved...
It just amazes me!
Four new card designs are on the website for Fall and Christmas designs are coming soon...
So stay tuned!
Can you believe it's already that time of year!
The leaves are changing and the cold briskness is definitely in the air. 
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Trust Yourself!
I thought I would take the next couple weeks
and share a few things that I have learned through my experience with
 Lindsay P Designs.
Some tips and advice on what to do, 
what not to do, and everything in between! 
It is as simple as that!
I am someone who needs/likes affirmation. 
And I don't think there is anything wrong with that...
Unless, of course, it is prohibiting you from moving forward and trusting yourself.
The first few months of Lindsay P Designs I was cautious.
I didn't want to be annoying to potential customers.
I would run things past anyone who would listen to me...
"does this sound okay?" "does that sound okay?" "can I read this to you?"
Now I will be honest...I still do this to an extent 
But before, I would do it out of fear and distrust in my own abilities...
I would often doubt what I thought would be the "right" thing to say or do in situations.
Learning to trust my own judgment and instincts was a hurdle that I am slowly getting over.
By doing so, it makes the positive outcomes so much sweeter.
I hope you all have a great week!

Monday, August 11, 2014

It's a...
I hope you all had a wonderful weekend!
I thought I would share one more bit of exciting news with you all today...
A couple weeks ago...the same day we found out we were moving...
we also found out that we are having a...
We are beyond excited and can't wait to meet him already!
(I'm still getting used to calling him a him!)
Of course we had girl names all picked out and continue to struggle with a boy name...
that we can both agree on :)
We are anxious for this new adventure and it has become so real now.
To look ahead and see myself as a mom to a little boy and all that will come with it.
But until then I want to enjoy the time with just the two of us and the entire journey.
I hope everyone has a great week!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Good morning!
I  hope you all have been enjoying your week.
It's been a crazy few weeks since I have last blogged:)
We spent a wonderful week with Brian's family at the lake... 
Boating, eating delicious food, golfing, and spending quality time together.
Straight from there it was off to Washington for my sweet nieces one year birthday party. And my cousins beautiful wedding the following weekend. The last few weeks were jammed pack but oh so special.

Now on to some exciting updates...
We are taking a plunge a moving to Washington! 
After a couple years of pursuing this goal of ours and praying so hard and continuously about it for what seems like ages, the time has come. We feel so blessed that this is all happening but of course are nervous for the change. Because as we all know... Change can be nerve racking and scary to say the least. 
We are jumping into a new unknown as a couple. 
But what is comforting to know, is that god has a plan. 
And his plan is so much greater than our own.
Lindsay P Designs will of course continue, just from a different location.
No major changes will be taking place in regards to that. 
Did I mention we are moving at the end of the month?! 
I am very saddened to say that I will not be attending the Seattle Gift Show this month. 
After looking at my options and how to squeeze a week at the show and packing into just 3 weeks (not to mention being pregnant!) I decided I can't do it all. 
It was a very tough decision for me but because everything has happened so quickly, I think this is the best option.
I hope you all have a wonderful summer weekend!!!

Friday, July 18, 2014

A toast to my parents
Today is there 33rd Anniversary!
It's funny how as time has gone on, I look at their anniversaries differently. 
When we were young, my sisters and I would find every excuse to do 
something creative for it.
We would huddle around and brainstorm. 
We would look to the future about what we would do for their 20th, 25th, or 30th when we would be SO old by then and could even drive!
It was a reason to celebrate.
But today, I look at my parents and see a marriage where they have always stuck together and have always put each other first. 
Where they laugh and still have fun together.
And their actions show how much they love each other.
I am so blessed to have such an exemplary marriage right before my eyes!
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Monday, July 14, 2014

I hope you all have had a great weekend!
I spent the weekend in Denver visiting one of my best friends!
Meeting new people, spending quality time together and having great conversations
 always calls for a good weekend.
Restaurants to visit while in Denver...
Of course there are so many more fun places to eat at and visit!
It's back to reality this week as I prepare for the Seattle Gift Show.
I was so excited to have my aprons featured in their 
Now it's the final push to finish all catalogs, samples, order forms and editing photos!
Don't forget 10% of the profit from all sales are being given to 
World Vision through September.
If there is a certain category you would like the donation to go to leave a comment below.
Enjoy this beautiful week!