Wednesday, July 2, 2014

New Charity
I hope everyone is having a wonderful week!
Gearing up for 4th of July, I'm sure!
Summer is always such a fun time.
Filled with the busyness of vacations, bbq's and summer activities.
I know for me,  I get consumed with everything that is going on each weekend for me and what my summer will look like.
But there are so many people where summer doesn't mean 
swim parties and bbq's but rather questions of...
How will we get enough water for the hot weather? 
And who will watch the children since they won't be in school? 
And for others summer doesn't change the fact that food may be scarce and 
simply put, life is still hard.  
It's July 2nd...
which means it is time to announce the next charity that will be receiving 
10% of the profit from all sales through September!

World Vision will be receiving the donation.
If you are not familiar with World Vision, it is a
"Christian humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the root causes of poverty and injustice."
World Vision works in nearly 100 countries. 
What I am so excited about is that there are multiple ways to give.
And I would love your input on where to give.
To name just a few, the donation can go toward...
Where it is needed the most in the USA
Where it is needed the most around the world
Buying animals to provide milk and eggs
Clean water
Disaster relief
Click on this link to see all the ways to give and leave a comment below.
Have a wonderful day!

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