Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Kitchen
When you think of cooking and being in the kitchen,
 What is the first thing that comes to mind?
Your childhood? 
Your favorite recipe from a grandmother? 
Family gatherings and holidays?
Cooking doesn't have to be frumpy. 
It doesn't have to be just for the domestic 1950's women. 
It can be so much more.
So many of my best memories have taken place in the kitchen.
Making pies for Thanksgiving and having (small) flour fights growing up,
 Eating dinner at the kitchen table night after night.
Now, my favorite time of day is cooking dinner with Brian
or relaxing after a long day with a glass of wine and music while I chop away.
Let your kitchen, big or small,
be a place to spend time with your loved ones and create memories.

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